What CBD dosage should I take?

You do not need to consume a certain amount of CBD. Because everyone's body composition differs, CBD will be processed differently by each individual. We recommend starting with a small serving size and gradually increasing once you've gotten used to CBD's effects or found the degree of relief that works best for you.

cbd products for women

CBD may be eaten in a number of different ways. Hemp Bombs offers CBD products that can be taken sublingually (CBD Oil), topically (Rubs, Sprays, Patches), ingested (Gummies, Capsules, Lollipops, Drinks), or vaped (E-Liquids, Additives, Vape Tanks)

What is the best place to obtain CBD?

Hemp Bombs carries a wide variety of high-quality CBD products, including edibles, oils, topicals, and pet products. Hemp Bombs CBD is available online at hempbombs.com and at certain convenience stores around the United States.

What does it mean to be high-quality?

For Hemp Bombs products, premium CBD is sourced from high-quality Industrial Hemp grown on American farms. Additionally, our CBD products go through a particular extraction technique to verify that they are federally compliant.

Is it really that important? Unfortunately, some companies claiming to have the best CBD products on the market take advantage of the lack of regulations around CBD to offer low-quality products - which is why we have strict quality control standards in place to ensure that your Hemp Bombs order is of the highest quality. All of our lab test results are easily accessible online, proving that Hemp Bombs can be trusted.

Is it true that CBD is a legal substance?

Yes, Hemp Bombs CBD products are legal in the United States, and we stay up to date on the latest CBD regulations and guidelines (for instance, not selling gummies shaped like CBD Gummy Bears that might appeal to children). In all of our products, CBD is derived from Industrial Hemp that has been sustainably grown on licensed American farms. Our CBD products do not include more than 0.3 percent THC, which is the legal limit in the United States. We ensure the contents of our products by consistent in-house manufacture, in-process lab testing, and final good checks. Finally, we work with an accredited ISO-certified third-party lab to assure the purity and potency of our CBD products.

Is CBD capable of helping you stay calm in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak?

CBD has natural calming properties that may help you cope with everyday stress, especially during difficult periods like COVID-19. CBD can help you relax and unwind throughout the day, as well as promote a peaceful night's sleep, which can enhance your overall health and outlook. Regardless of today's events, finding ways to control your anxiety and tension while improving the quality and quantity of sleep you get each night will help you feel better.


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